Homeschooling, farm life and our love of earth

"Everything that happens to you is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it." ~Polly Berrien Berends

Thursday, 08 May 2008

Thomas' Socks

Finally I have finished them, and just in time for winter. WOOOOO HOOOOO :-)
Kitty Cat is not impressed and is saying..." Hurry up and feed me!" LOL


Linda said...

Hi Carle I love those socks you have knitted! We went to the wool shop yesterday and bought a whole lot of wool to knit, we love knitting!



Carle said...

Thanks Linda,

I will be knitting more soon!


dottyspots said...

Great socks - but also a very lovely cat. He looks like a long-haired version of the Russian Blue I had years ago. I bet he feels the heat a bit, one of my skinny girls, naturally skinny, would probably love hotter weather than we usually have here, she shivers by the radiator under a blanket in the winter!

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