Homeschooling, farm life and our love of earth

"Everything that happens to you is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it." ~Polly Berrien Berends

Saturday, 13 October 2007


Mongoose Mongoose everywhere. Except where the monkeys are.

And I have a favourite monkey...It only has one arm...Most of t he monkeys here show signs of combat with humans! It is very depressing to be in Paradise with mammed animals. Today I saw one this a broken front leg and and damaged back leg. Shame. But she still managed to jump in the trees, but only just. Of course my father hates them and wants to poison them. I'm very disturbed by his hatred of them. Sure they are naughty...they break things and steal your food. I figure the solution is to keep the caravan safely locked!!!

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