Homeschooling, farm life and our love of earth

"Everything that happens to you is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it." ~Polly Berrien Berends

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Easter at the sea side and THE MONSTER!

Today we visited my mom, Alf Jimmy and Nicole at their beach cottage in St Helena Bay. Thomas and Olli enjoyed the seaside and we did drawing of the sea and the day.

Oliver drew a picture oh his dad on the Kayak...Can you see it?[I will send a prize for the person who can see it]

Thomas drew his sand castle with the pond at the base, sea in the back ground.

Nicole and I did a combo picture showing the bucket that got washed out to sea. Jimmy[AKA the hero] jumped on the paddle ski and braved the kelp and came back with the bucket on his head.

We got home at 9 tonight to discover this spider. WHAT IS WITH THESE SPIDERS??? I have never had so many spiders in the house. I believe the Eucalypts are shedding more bark this year so maybe this is why... any on know the answer?

Any way we caught it [oh.... mmm... WE = "Karl there he is! hurry up! Catch him!"]

It is a baby [like that makes a difference!] so we put it in a fish feed bottle and Thomas got to hold the container.

Karl shook it out onto my table [what was he thinking? LOL] and took these additional photos. ENJOY [yeh right :-)]


World Wide Alternative said...

Sounds like you had a great Easter.
Those bloody spiders! Xxx

Anonymous said...

Is this a taratula? Sure looks like one.
No house sitting for me! LOL

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