Homeschooling, farm life and our love of earth

"Everything that happens to you is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it." ~Polly Berrien Berends

Thursday, 04 October 2007

Green Peace challenge

Week 2 of the challenge goal is to encourage 7 other people to join the movement. Well I have done posting on my group and other groups that I belong to, and the response has not been as great as I would have hoped. So far I have signed up Donnette, Marie, mmm that's all that I know of. Have you joined? Please let me know so that I can mentally add you to my 'list of favourite people'. :-)

I hope to sign up more people...If not I'll choose some people and then buy them some bulbs!!! Be warned...It could be you! :-)

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